Testimonials from my happy Clients
Please, if you purchased a Plaque from www.biggametrophyplaques.ca I would appreciate a letter, one paragraph saying how happy you are with it. I appreciate your business, and look forward in hearing from you.
George Hachey

Ronaldo Richard "Professional music composer-producer."
In 2009, I produced a personal album, called “1000 Notes”
The launched was done in February of the same year, at the Moncton Capitol Theatre in New Brunswick Canada.
I had some professional pictures taken for my album cover, as well as for promotional purpose. I picked two of them that where close to my heart, and sent them to George Hachey to be put on a plaque.
In no time, George sent me a sample on the computer for approval. I was very pleased with what I was seeing, and also by George professionalism.
When I actually received the plaque, I was FLOORED by this forever souvenir. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. I say, there's no words to describe a plaque designed by George Hachey.
I love it!! Bravo George, what a great piece of art! You get my standing ovation!!
Artistically Ronaldo Richard

Doug Ferns "Owner ofAutumn Antlers Trophy Whitetail Lodge "
When George contacted me and sent me a mock up and price to do a plaque of the record whitetail buck killed at our lodge, I thought it was really a neat idea. When I received it a few weeks later, I was completely sold. It isn't a plaque, it is a life long memory and a piece of art. We at Autumn Antlers pride ourselves in partnering with businesses that strive to be the best, just like ourselves. That is why we fully indorse Big Game Trophy Plaques.